Farragut Systems steps up to the plate for Durham children

It is no secret that one of our most popular programs is BackPack Buddies. Nobody wants to see kids go hungry, and many individuals, groups and companies want to help out. Farragut Systems of Durham is a wonderful corporate partner that has carried that interest and support to the next level. Farragut first became engaged with the Food Shuttle when we opened our Durham office, over six years ago.

Although they are a hugely important corporate partner of IFFS, they are not a huge corporation. They are a moderate-sized local business with a culture of service to the community. They started out with a donation program that allowed employees to give to BackPack Buddies through payroll deduction, and the company matched those funds. Their engagement was fueled by how easy Farragut made donating for their employees!

BackPack Buddies girl

BackPack Buddies girl

They initially supported BackPack Buddies for 50 children at Eastway Elementary School, purchasing the food and packing the bags themselves. The program grew so large a second school was added, so now Farragut sponsors the participation of 75 children at Eastway and 20 children at Parkwood Elementary.

And they don’t let up during the summer holiday! They stand strong with IFFS in combating summer hunger by funding 100 BackPacks per week to kids at East Durham Children’s Initiative.

As a Platinum-Level Sponsor of BackPack buddies, Farragut Systems earns tremendous respect from Kyle Abrams, IFFS Child Hunger Programs Manager.

“The main part of what makes Farragut so special is the dedication of both the employees and the corporation. You often see either employee groups or management wanting to engage, but not very often do you see both,” said Abrams. “They have chosen to make a long-term commitment to this program. That level of commitment is rare, and so valuable!”

A heartfelt “thank you” to everyone at Farragut for truly making a difference in the lives of Durham children!