Tasty 72nd Culinary Job Training Graduation filled with gratitude

There’s no question about it, this has to be the best-looking, best-tasting final exam in the Triangle!

On, Friday June 17th we celebrated our 72nd Culinary Job Training class, and 391st graduate. Sheila, Jonathan, Khalil, William, and Jay have been hard at work since April 4th mastering hands-on topics such as knife skills, sauces, baking and other cooking techniques. Their classroom time has been spent working on the ServSafe© Manager’s Training Course (microbiology, anyone?) as well as life & employment skills, nutrition, and culinary terminology.

Culinary Job Training Program graduation feast 72The five grads demonstrated their professional skills by creating a luncheon buffet for friends, supporters, and very special guests. NC Secretary of State Elaine Marshall and Wake County Commissioner John Burns were there, as well as both IFFS Co-Founders--Jill Staton Bullard and Maxine Solomon. The crowd enjoyed a feast featuring seasonal dishes such as: summer minestrone soup, tabbouleh, fruit salads, chicken alfredo, barbequed pork ribs, sautéed summer squash, and a beautiful peach cobbler with whipped cream for dessert.

After the meal was over and plates emptied, the ceremony part began, with certificates of achievement handed out to all. Chef Terri Hutter spoke, noting the special qualities of each graduate: Jay, with his enthusiasm for catering; William with his quiet and steady demeanor; Khalil, “always the first to step up;” Jonathan, the go-to guy for precision work. Sheila, last but not least, was recognized for her initiative and persistence, her high score on ServSafe as recipient of the Sameer Ishwar Murarka Memorial Foundation Award, and the fact that she has already landed a full-time job in the kitchen of a local nursing home!

The gratitude flowed both ways, as each student recognized the efforts of the kitchen team: Chef Terri, Kitty, and Sunshine. Sheila noted that Terri is “a phenomenal teacher,” and Jay described how the Food Shuttle is “a real loving place and positive environment—which is what you need when you fall down.” But Secretary Marshall summed it up best when she stated, “I see the potential you all have, and you can turn to the Food Shuttle for the support that you need, for your hearts and for your soul.” Amen to that. 

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Thanks to the support of IFFS donors, hundreds of adults have received culinary job training. Please give today to ensure these important programs remain available.


By Sally Bache, IFFS Administrative Services Manager. Contact: Sally@FoodShuttle.org