Volunteer Spotlight—Kathy Jenkins, Bob Perry & Bill Finger, the “Dream Team”

Kathy, Bob & Bill are all retired and living in Raleigh. On Wednesday mornings they run the Food Recovery & Distribution Downtown Route as “The Dream Team.” They didn’t know each other until Volunteer Manager Dalia Place put them together on a truck. Now they are a Wednesday institution, enjoying their time on the truck discussing politics, Virginia Tech and the ACC!

Kathy Jenkins has been volunteering with IFFS for about four years. She helped during Mediathons and as an FRD route Assistant. Before she retired and moved to Raleigh she had driven a school bus on occasion, now Kathy is a driver for the Downtown Route.

“It is fulfilling to provide agencies with the things they need. The Raleigh Rescue Mission is always so happy with the fresh produce we provide!”—Kathy Jenkins

Bob Perry first started working with the Food Shuttle nearly 20 years ago! Since retiring from IBM about 18 months ago, he has committed to giving IFFS one day/week. Initially he was a Driver’s Assistant with our staff Driver Eric Harrison, now he enjoys his Wednesdays with the Dream Team.

“I like getting to know the people at each agency and all the good work they do for the community!”—Bob Perry

Bill Finger is the newcomer to the group. He has been volunteering for about one year. He was retired and looking for a place to contribute when he learned about the Food Shuttle through a church member.

“The three of us have a nice camaraderie and division of duties worked out. We are like a well-oiled 3-on-3 basketball team!”—Bill Finger

All three recommend volunteering on an IFFS team as a great way to spend time with old friends … or make new ones!