Holiday Match Opportunity Provides Hope in the Face of Hunger

The face of hunger is changing. In today’s inflationary economy, more and more families and individuals are finding themselves coming up short at the end of a pay cycle and in need of help to make ends meet. Food, fuel, housing costs—they’re all on the rise, and with winter’s chill, higher utility bills will only add to the difficulties families are facing. Inter-Faith Food Shuttle stands ready to provide hope to our neighbors amid these challenges by feeding, teaching, growing, and cultivating innovative approaches to end hunger in our community. This holiday season, that steadfast commitment is magnified by a $100,000 match opportunity funded by 4 Others Foundation and Oak Foundation. December 1 through December 31, during our You are the Heart of Our Community campaign, all gifts to the Food Shuttle will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000.

This impactful funding opportunity will benefit families, children, and seniors throughout the Food Shuttle’s seven-county service area in central North Carolina. One such family is Stephanie’s. Stephanie is a Pre-K teacher with a master’s degree in Special Education. Stephanie and her husband, Jon, have 4-year-old twins, Jacob and Natalie. When COVID hit, they were forced to make the difficult choice for Jon to stay home with the children due to the high cost of childcare. Their single income on her teacher’s salary is too high for the family to receive assistance, but not high enough to meet their basic needs. As parents, Stephanie and Jon often go without meals to ensure that their children get enough food to eat. “It’s hard to do everything right and still not be able to make ends meet,” she says.  Help from the Operation Nayhelle Food Panty, one of Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s partner agencies, has been a godsend. “The first time I went, I couldn’t believe that they were serious that I could have such good fresh produce.” The Pantry’s impact has made an immeasurable difference for Stephanie and her family. “They don’t make you feel like a second-class citizen because you need help. It truly is awesome!”

Through generous funding of programs like Mobile Markets and School Pantries, Food Shuttle supporters provide a reliable source of relief for families like Stephanie and Jon’s. As more families turn to the Food Shuttle than ever before—many for the first time ever—the Holiday Match Challenge promises extended impact for all gifts made December 1 to 31. Your opportunity to make the holidays a little brighter for families across central NC is here. Every gift will provide hope in the face of hunger. To make your You are the Heart of Our Community year-end gift, please visit our website.