Find Food


We’re here to help!

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle operates by recovering and distributing food and resources through our various agency partners. As a result, our neighbors can access food at no cost at mobile markets and food pantries throughout Wake, Durham, Johnston, Orange, Chatham, Nash, and Edgecombe counties. Here’s where you can find food in your area.

Food resources

*Please note: listings are subject to change. We will continue to update periodically.

Download Food Resources Guide PDF HERE (English)
Descarga el PDF de Recursos Alimentarios AQUÍ (Español)

Food Pantries

Food pantries and meal programs are located across central NC to serve our neighbors. Each pantry listed is an independent organization with their own dates and times of operation, as well as unique requirements for those they serve. Please contact agencies directly to confirm dates, times, location, and necessary paperwork.

Mobile Markets

Mobile Markets are drive-through distributions of food located across central NC. In collaboration with community partners, these food distribution sites are available at no cost for any of our neighbors to access. Every Mobile Market is staffed with community volunteers who create a safe, respectful space where all are welcome to receive available food and resources.

Additional Resources

If you or someone you know lives outside of Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s service area, our sister food banks, as well as the Feeding America national network, are here to support you.

Need additional help?

We are here to support you. Contact us at (919) 250-0043 if you would like additional help finding food near you.