Get to know the Food Shuttle Staff: Katherine Andrew!

Name and title:  Katherine Andrew, Director of Nutrition What does at typical day at IFFS look like for you?   A typical day could include:

Sourcing food from the warehouse and garden for Operation FrontLine (OFL) classes;  Working with interns from local universities to create new programs and curricula for our Nutrition and Garden programs;  Catching up on Hands on Health communities; Working in Garden at Mayview; Setting up new classes & helping OFL Coordinator find volunteers, order books, and recruit participants;  Teaching healthy eating, budgeting, and gardening to agency staff and communities; Coming up with new recipes and curricula for healthy eating;  Connecting with local Health, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture organizations, individuals, and programs;  Creating new programs and health or gardening education for agencies and their communities;  Updating PAR pounds and members; Evaluating current programs

How long have you been at the Shuttle?  Since November, 2007

What’s your favorite part about working at IFFS?  The variety and movement in my day.

What did you do before IFFS?  Most recently,  got my Masters in Public Health with a concentration in Nutrition from UNC

What do you like to do when you’re not fighting hunger?  Cook, run, travel

Favorite Movie? Princess Bride

Your last meal would be?   All fresh from the garden of course!   Spinach salad with balsamic, yellow tomatoes, and walnuts;  Fish in herb sauce with roasted okra, beets, and sweet potatoes; dark chocolate dessert with berries to finish it off!

P.S. Katherine has starred in a few Food Shuttle videos.  Check out our Youtube Channel!