We need your help!

This is a note from our Farm Educator/Manager, Sun Butler. He hurt his knee, and now needs your help to keep things running smoothly at the Farm! Read the note to find out how your talents and time can contribute to the growth of our fall crop.

Dear IFFS Farm and Garden Crew,

I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Unfortunately, I spent mine with my leg propped up recovering from knee surgery. I blew my knee out lifting a box of vegetables last week. The Dr. says I have to take it easy on the heavy work for a few months to allow the injury to heal. I’m glad it wasn’t more serious and that I’ll still be involved on a daily basis with the Farm and Community Gardens Project. The rest of this year is going to be tremendous time of growth for our farm and gardens. Here’s what we’re involved with the next few months:

• Getting the Fall garden planted at the Food Shuttle Farm • Continuing the work we’ve started at the Mayview Community Garden • We have been given access to 4 more acres of land next door to the Food Shuttle Farm by Caroline McNair. We want to have these acres under cultivation by the end of the year. • We are starting a new community garden with Neighbor to Neighbor on So. Blount St in Raleigh.


We are exited about these projects and what they mean to hungry relief and the growth of local foods in the Triangle. But with me being limited in what I can do, we need your help to make these wonderful things happen. If you have extra time to donate to the Farm and Gardens program on the weekends or during the week, please contact me. My email is farm@foodshuttle.org. If you have friends and colleagues who might like to help out, please forward me their contact info.

We will discuss our plans for ramping up the Farm and Garden program to meet these new challenges at the potluck Tuesday at 6:30 at the Farm. I hope to hear from you soon.

Sun Butler