Get to know the Food Shuttle Staff: Nickie Charles!

Name and title:  Nickie Charles, Hands on Health Coordinator What does at typical day at IFFS look like for you? My typical day at IFFS starts with a morning briefing with my supervisor: Tonya Post, we discuss successes and usually the weeks events.  Then it is out to the communities, usually I stop by the seniors of the area, spend some time with them during walks, helping them see their progress in their lives, also giving them an outlet to be a part of something more than they can see for themselves...I enjoy seeing them become active within their own lives.  Then I usually stop and talk to the kids in the area, finding out about their week.  From there its back to IFFS to get ready to go back out and start the FITCamp programs where I do an intensive workout incorporating Tai Chi and Qigong with heavy callisthenic work.

 How long have you been at the Shuttle? 8 months and a few days

What’s your favorite part about working at IFFS? The community of my colleagues, there is always a laugh within the day...also  before I had a job now I'm doing what I'm passionate about: community, families, children and making sure they are making healthy living an active part of their lives.

What did you do before IFFS? Chief of Staff, Manhattan School of Music

P/T: Conducting Food Demo's throughout the 5-boroughs of NYC

What do you like to do when you’re not fighting hunger? I'm an avid reader, I love to read about holistic (natural)  approaches to nutritional health and exercise.

Gossiping on the phone with my girlfriends.

Favorite Movie? The entire Jason Bourne trilogies

Your last meal would be?  Shrimp & Grits