Weekday volunteers needed at community garden

  Food Shuttle Farm and Garden Crew,


Welcome back from the holidays; we hope you’re surviving the cold out there! Due to the bitter cold predicted over the next week we are NOT going to have a crew call this Saturday. However, we have quite a few things to do in the next few weeks and can use all the help you can give.


In particular, we are looking for volunteers who can come out during the week and help at one of our community gardens, Neighbor to Neighbor, in South Raleigh. The Neighbor to Neighbor was the second community garden that we started through our Hands on Health program where we are working with local community members and youth at that organization to get them excited about growing and eating healthy foods. Neighbor to Neighbor is a community organization that comes alongside families in daily partnership in Southeast Raleigh through mentoring, after school programs, adult classes, and various other engagement programs. There is a huge population of youth and families there and we’re hoping to get them involved with our garden.

Amanda will be leading the charge at Neighbor to Neighbor; she and Sun are hoping to find volunteers who can come out during the week to help with a few projects this month. If you are available to do this (weekdays, during the day) please email Amanda at NutritionCoord@foodshuttle.org and let her know your preferred day/time. Amanda will also be in Mayview on Fridays from 3:45-5pm if you are available then.

Again, we would love to have your help during the week if you can make that happen. And stay warm!