Get to know the Food Shuttle Staff-CJTP Edition!

We're excited about the 50th sessionof the Culinary Job Training Program and have been offering special coverage here on the Behind the Scenes blog. Today we want you to meet the very special men and women on the CJTP staff who make this life-changing program operate. You've seen a couple of them before around these parts before, but we want to bring it all together in one place for you. First up, Chef Terri. Her love of Taco Shack is well known. Relive the magic here.

Next, Chef Will, our resident fitness junkie here.

And here are two new profiles, hot off the press.

sharon featureName and title: Sharon Mitchell, CJTP Director of Programs & Case Management

What does at typical day at IFFS look like for you?  That would vary based on class cycle, however if we where in a class session in consist of: assisting students & Interns with life issues/situations that have been a barrier to employment,  and self sufficiency.  Help them to develop tools that we help them cope with everyday life and situations that can and will happen.  Helping them to see their strengths and the resources  available to help them through the process of rebuilding their lives, and building positive self esteem.  Which is so instrumental in helping them to make better choices in their lives.  

How long have you been at the Shuttle? it has been my pleasure to work with the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, Culinary Job Training Program  1 year and 4 months.

What’s your favorite part about working at IFFS? I enjoy helping individuals face their past and begin to deal with whats there, while they are also learning a new skill and doing something positive in there lives.  Helping in that  rebuilding and seeing them start and finish something positive.  More often than not, they are doing something positive for the first time, or for the first time in a long time.  This is awesome experience we get to take part in 4 times a year!!!! 

What did you do before IFFS? I have worked in Social work for 17+ years, with homeless individuals and families, then with homeless men in shelter environment, community mental Health transitioning SPMI individuals from state mental health facilities to community living, with treatment and support,  and also with psycho-social rehabilitation helping SPMI, Dually Diagnoised individuals cope with daily living and participate in meaningful daily activities.

What do you like to do when you’re not fighting hunger? Spend time with my family, also I volunteer at couple of community agencies doing social work.

Favorite Movie? There are just way too many to pick just one, but if you twist my arm, I would have to say The Color Purple, Pursuit of Happiness, Pay it Forward, A Beautiful Mind

Your last meal would be? Caesar Salad w/ bread from Olive Garden;  Porterhouse Steak cooked medium rare, w/ loaded baked potato from Ruth Chris Steak House;  Walla B Darn w/ extra shot on the top from Outbacks !    Boy that makes me hungry!

Sue RameyName and title:  Sue Ramey – Job Coach and Placement

What does at typical day at IFFS look like for you? Get to work I check my emails and try to answer the majority of them when I get in. Work on finding employment opportunities for our interns.  Continuing to teach employability skills in the classroom for the new students and for the continuing inters.  Working with VR for some of our clients with disabilities to connect them with employment opportunities as well.

How long have you been at the Shuttle? 3 years

 What’s your favorite part about working at IFFS? Watching people who were giving up on finding employment and just down on their luck to see them graduate and tell their story of how they went from not believing in themselves to finding that inner strength to persevere and accomplish something.  Just the eye’s of pride in someone is enough to make you keep on giving.

What did you do before IFFS? Worked with the Homeless population/shelters

 What do you like to do when you’re not fighting hunger? What else but sit and watch Law and Order and/or Criminal minds

Favorite Movie? Silence of the lambs

Your last meal would be? Cheese Calzone Deep Fried  and  Chocolate milk shake.