Driving Duo

By: Elizabeth Stahl, Communication Intern Every day brings something new and exciting at the Food Shuttle, especially today! My Friday Full of Fun adventures continue this week with a peak into a volunteer driving duo!  Everyone in the warehouse was busy working to load the trucks and prepare for pick-ups when I walked through the warehouse doors at 7:45 this morning!  Fortunately, I was able to speak with two  drivers before they went on their food recovery route.  Daphne Jones has been an Inter-Faith Food Shuttle driver since October of 2009 and Jerry Boxser has been with us for three years.  They are both dedicated volunteers for the Food Shuttle!

Why did you begin volunteering at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle?

Daphne:  “I wanted to do something that was active

Jerry: “I wanted to do something as far as helping others

Tell me about your route today.

Daphne: “We always do the North route- we pick up and do not drop off anything.”

Jerry: “We pick up fresh fruits or prepared foods at grocery stores and a couple of restaurants”

Jerry preparing for pick-up

What is your favorite part about fighting hunger?

Daphne: “ I like the fact that the food is perishable- if you didn’t have the Food Shuttle it would all just go bad and I love how many programs IFFS has.”

Jerry: “Redistributing food to the needy rather than throwing it away- it’s just so much better.”

What is one thing you wished more people did?

Jerry: “I guess if you cannot volunteer people should at least donate- the Food Shuttle can always use funds or canned goods…”

Daphne and Jerry had to quickly depart and begin their morning truck route, but many thanks to them for spending time with me!