Where's Pam??

By: Elizabeth Stahl, Communication Intern

After several attempts to catch Pam during some free time, a rarity, I finally cornered her for a quick Friday Full of Fun interview! Pam is the epitome of busy! Someone with so many tasks and someone so full of compassion is difficult to track down, but luckily I found her!

She isn't at her desk...

Tell me a little about what you do:

-I use UPS Mobile Cast to monitor the truck pick-ups, deliveries, and drop-offs.  I assist Don and Dennis.  I weigh food drives; I weigh everything that comes in every day.  I take inventory every day and make sure everything is documented.  I assist in making sure that everything is in order to receive food whether cleaning or organizing the volunteers.  I assist in making sure that other agencies are taken care of.  I make sure that the food is the proper temperature and in good shape, and I also make sure the coolers are the right temperatures.    (and the list goes on I'm sure!)

"I do a lot but I like to stay busy”

Is she distributing food in the warehouse?

What is your favorite part about fighting hunger?

-I like the fact that we are able to make sure that people that would normally be hungry, aren’t.  It feels great to help others.  I love the after school programs, we make sure kids eat.

What is your favorite day of the week at the Food Shuttle? Why?

-I love Thursday’s because it is our busiest day as far as recipient agencies goes- from 8:45 am to 3:00 pm our agencies are picking up.  I love to see our food going out to those that need it. I love to see the cooler getting empty so we can fill it up again”

About how many volunteers do you work with each week?

-It depends on the day and the week!  I would say about fifty or more each week.

What is your guilty pleasure food?

­-I love fried chicken!

What is one thing you wished more people did?

-I wish more people would have a heart, whether it be volunteering or donating.  Kids are going to be the leaders one day and we should put them first.  Before working here I never knew how many people did not have food.  I never knew how many people waste food.  It made me see things in a different light.   I enjoy what I do; it makes me feel great at the end of the day.  I really admire Jill for dreaming up this concept and I love our family environment.

There she is! Working with GPS Mobile Tracking!

Being busy is not a bad thing.  A diligent worker, Pam stays busy in order to get food out to those in need.  Her dedication is inspiring;  she never quits knowing that food insecure people need her help!