Images from Recent Food Shuttle Field Gleanings

This week IFFS gleaned 400 pounds of organic red muscadine grapes with 7 people! Thanks to the generosity of T.Y. Baker for inviting us to his vineyard in Zebulon. Above, volunteers from Triangle Catering are pictured with with Lindsay Perry,  IFFS's Local Produce Coordinator.

Beautiful plants are literally dripping with fruit so there are LOTS more left! We’re going back to get the rest next Wednesday, October 19 and Friday, October 21.


Join us in gathering excess to feed the hungry! You can eat as many as you like while you pick! Email for more info or to help at the next gleaning. Invite your friends to come along!  It will be a swell time!

muscadine edna 02

muscadine edna 09

muscadine edna 12

We also had some enthusiastic volunteers at our recent sweet potato gleaning at Jones Farm in Bailey, a collaboration with Society of Saint Andrew.  We left the farm absolutely loaded down with NC’s most famous tuber; plus a full pickup truck!

Did you know that North Carolina is the leader in sweet potato production, supplying 40% of the annual US production of sweet potatoes? So much the better for us, as they are super nutritious and store easily. The only problem is keeping up with the tremendous production and excess in the region. That's why volunteers are so crucial to Field Gleaning. Join us during October or November, and there is a very strong chance you'll be gleaning sweet potatoes.

Gleaning 074

Gleaning 079

Gleaning 052

Gleaning 069

Thanks to everyone who has made these successes possible!