Cooking Matters Graduation!!

This Wednesday evening eight adult participants graduated from Cooking Matters at Alliance Medical Ministry in Raleigh!  With help from an amazing team of volunteer instructors, these ladies learned new cooking techniques and shopping strategies to benefit themselves and their families.  Some of the recipes they tried out in class included ratatouille, vegetable pizza, and herb roasted chicken and vegetables.  For their final celebration together they showed off knife skills and food prep know-how while making a delicious peach salsa, baked whole wheat tortilla chips, black-eyed pea and corn salad, and hummus! The group also reflected on their favorite recipes and new-found knowledge:

"I learned how to use eggplant in many different ways. That's something I never knew before!"

"Before, I never washed my canned goods, but now I ALWAYS wash them!"

"My favorite recipes were the pizza and herb roasted chicken.  I feel a lot more comfortable cooking meats."

"Now, I buy the whole chicken and cut it up. It's a lot cheaper; and now that I know how to do it, it doesn't seem as much of a chore."

"This class really helped me focus on eating healthy, and paying attention to my health.  I really enjoyed everything."

Great work team!