Feeding and Learning: Mobile Meals and a visit from Feeding America CEO Bob Aiken

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle's new food truck, which some of us call the Mobile Tastiness Machine, made a trial run on Thursday, feeding children bagged dinners at Neighbor To Neighbor’s after-school mentoring program - with Feeding America CEO Bob Aiken doing the honors.  The newly installed CEO of the nation’s primary hunger relief organization was in Raleigh to meet with regional leaders from Feeding America, the nation's food bank network.  But first, he wanted to see firsthand IFFS’s unique approach to ending hunger as a non-traditional food bank, including  innovative programs in urban agriculture, farming, and job skills training.  We showed him our new truck and then with our Board member, Smokey Norris of USFoods, he was off to feed children.  The Mobile Tastiness Machine will be hitting the streets in selected neighborhoods later this spring, serving healthy meals prepared by our culinary staff to kids during out of school times, along with nutrition education, physical activity promotion, and bags of fresh produce for kids to take home to their families! Bob Aiken at Hoke Street

Bob Aiken and group