Meet Hannah Hess - Health Educator Intern with IFFS

My name is Hannah Hess and I am one of the Health Educator Interns at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle! I am a graduating senior at Meredith College majoring in Bachelor of Science in Foods/Nutrition. After taking an Introduction to Nutrition class, I found that Nutrition was a field that sparked my interest.  It became something that I wanted to continue learning more about and sharing with others. The fundamental role nutrition plays in our lives makes this subject intriguing to me. My long term goal is to be in an occupation that I am passionate about – one that has purpose aimed to change others’ lives and give them inspiration for a healthier lifestyle. While interning at IFFS, I have taken on the role of leading cooking demonstrations and preparing samples to pair with each Food Matters lesson at Mobile Markets. Each recipe prepared is used to reiterate the nutritional message of that month.  At each market you never know how the people will react to the samples, especially since many of the markets are at 8:30am and we are serving spaghetti or another dish that is usually served as lunch or dinner.  However, participants are always willing to try what you have made, and give their opinions on the dish whether it be “it needs more salt” or “it’s delicious!”  This internship is fun and a great, hands-on way to become involved with the community.