Hanging in my office are several pictures that move and inspire me. Some have been gifts, such as the Walt Disney quote: It’s kind of fun to do the impossible and Margaret Mead’s ubiquitous Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.
But the ones that move me the most are photographs of the early volunteers who helped build this incredible organization.…Cowboy, Ann Bumgardner, Maxine Solomon, Emilie Sigel, Karen Ridout, Paul Pope, Warren Shaw, and Clarence Williams, to name just a few in these pictures. The one thing that truly defined them then was their focus- their belief that hunger was unacceptable. Most importantly, they believed that they could make a difference. Their passion for this unified mission made them a powerful force for good. They really did what seemed impossible!
We still have passionate volunteers, doing the “impossible”! Look at William Winslow, whom the Huffington Post calls “this incredible kid”. For three years, William has focused his will and efforts on raising food (14,000 pounds) and money ($21,000) to fight childhood hunger. His enthusiasm and passion has enlisted people young and old in these food collections. He truly is The Food Drive Kid! William started these drives when he was seven, can you imagine what he has yet to do? Can’t wait to see!
Then I see the “Army of Jamie’s” that the Jamie Kirk Hahn Foundation enlists weekend after weekend to improve our community. This “Army” epitomizes what Jamie stood for- passion for creating a community where people care about each other all of the time. We are blessed to have them help us.
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle volunteers have a unified passion and focus on building a community without hunger. Please know that they are a force for good that is truly changing our world here in the Greater Triangle.
Building a food secure community together,
Jill Staton Bullard
CEO & Co-Founder
[box type="note" size="medium" style="rounded" border="full"]Learn more about volunteering with IFFS or sign up here[/box]