Volunteer Spotlight: Elaine Walsh

Elaine Walsh is a recently retired resident of Willow Spring. She is an IFFS Ambassador and front desk volunteer.


How did you find out about IFFS?
By watching the Mediathon on WRAL three years ago. It made me want to donate a bunch of money, but I didn’t have much of that. So instead, I decided to donate my time. I volunteer at the Food Shuttle because everyone should have access to healthy food!

What was a memorable experience volunteering?
The best experiences have been as an IFFS Ambassador. At one Crop Walk, I got to meet Greg Fischel, my weather hero! I was a greeter at the Food Systems Conference in Raleigh, and I got to rub elbows with lots of enthusiastic, smart movers and shakers. I was heartened and inspired by their spirit of cooperation and willingness to address the issues of food security.

What do you tell people about IFFS?
I always encourage others to get involved in such a worthwhile cause. I tell them how the Food Shuttle is not afraid to use innovative solutions. Just look at all the terrific programs – Backpack Buddies, Grocery Bags for Seniors, the Culinary Job Training program, the Teaching Farm, etc. These programs help people in different ways – all of which contribute to their overall well-being.

I want to especially thank the many wonderful donors who support the IFFS, the truly dedicated IFFS staff who lead the way, and the numerous volunteers who are the grease that makes it all run smoothly!