Mayview OFL class update with Lindsay

It is hard to belive that the Mayview Power of Eating Right class only has 1 more week left! NC State student, Lindsay Brantley has been Inter-Faith Food Shuttle's guest blogger providing a behind the scenes look at the class over the previous weeks. Her report from Week 4 can be found here.

Week 5 consisted of learning about the last group on the Food Pyramid, the dairy group. We focused on getting 3 servings each day of milk products. We also emphasized the importance of choosing low-fat options from the dairy since they taste the same and are so much better for your body.

The girls prepared whole-wheat Mac and Cheese with low-fat cheese and milk. They absolutely loved it! We also talked about choosing healthy snacks and beverage options during the day to help get in the daily recommendations of calcium and vitamin D. The girls learned how much sugar sodas and sweetened drinks actually have compared to a glass of low-fat milk, and how few nutrients the sodas contain. Teaching the girls is so rewarding and so much fun!