Steven's Blog

A new feature! You remember Steven Horton don't you? He was featured in the Independent Weekly in a piece about the Crop Mob. We caught up with him via the flip camera here. Steven's a big contributor to our Farms and Community Gardens Project  and now he's going to be a contributor to the blog.  Steven knows a lot about the technical side of farming and agriculture and the role they play in fighting hunger. But he also has an appreciation for how they can be used in building relationships and community.  Check out his first post and get the conversation started in the comments section.

Thursday morning on the farm I spent about an hour harvesting fifteen pounds of lettuce to prepare for lunch at the Food Shuttle. When harvesting lettuce it is important to cut above the compost so you do not run into a lot of trouble while washing it. The farm was so peaceful and there was not another soul in sight. The amazing thing about our farm is how close it is to the city. I say "our" farm deliberately because that is what this project is. Sitting out there alone with the lettuce, I began to think of the hundreds and hundreds of volunteers that have come through in just the first nine months. And I smiled.

The interconnectedness that food offers us is not something to push aside lightly. Working on the farm can seem like a chore, but in my experience it has been the best way to make new friends. Picking weeds or laying mulch offers a lot of time to get to know a new friend. Our lives can get very busy these days and we often miss the opportunities to get to know one another better.

Bringing the lettuce into the Food Shuttle kitchen was a beautiful scene. Chef Will had a huge smile on his face and couldn't wait to get a hold of some greens to prepare salads for lunch. I rinsed the lettuce through a colander then soaked it in a bath. After enough rinses for the water in the bath to remain clear, I put the lettuce in the salad spinner. The spinner is used to knock off excess moisture with centripetal force. Then the lettuce was ready to go.

Next week I'll talk a little bit about seeding trays. Hope to see you out on the farm some time! -Steven