You're never too young to be a hunger fighter

Meet Hailey. She's an 8th grade Girl Scout with a compassionate and generous heart and for those in our community who are hungry.  On January 8th, she organized a cookie rally for over 200 younger Girl Scouts to learn about how to sell Girl Scout cookies. Hailey added something more to the cookie rally, too. She asked the Girl Scouts to bring wholesome food for the Food Shuttle's BackPack Buddies program!

Watch this video to hear more about the food drive from Hailey:

We were so thrilled to hear about Hailey's venture to make sure that kids in the community are not going hungry over the weekend. A Food Shuttle truck even made it out to the January 8th rally where 1,317 pounds of food were donated from Girl Scouts all over the area!

Bringing in donation for BackPack Buddies

Girl Scouts putting food on the truck

Hailey and her mom, Marianne, at the cookie rally

The 2010 Cary Area 19 Girl Scout Cookie Rally was hosted by Girl Scout Troop 328 and select other Teen scouts.  Girl Scout Cookie sales continue through March 14th.