Film Feastival

Here at the Food Shuttle we’re really excited about an event that is coming up on Tuesday, March 9—the 3rd Annual Film ‘Feast’ival!


At the Feastival you will watch the film FRESH, the Movie, and enjoy a panel discussion with our very own Katherine Andrew and the Joel Salatin, lecturer, author, and owner of the holistic Polyface Farm!


The theme of the night will focus on “Nutrition from the Ground Up,” which is something that we really understand and support. Through both the film and discussion with Joel Salatin, as an audience member you will have the opportunity to examine where our food comes from and consider a new way of thinking about what we are eating; much like what we aim to do with our farm and community gardens!


Not only is the Feastival an exciting and fun night of learning, but also all proceeds from the evening will benefit the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle and our Nutrition, Farms and Community Gardens Project!


For more information about tickets, visit the Film Feastival Blog, by clicking here:


We’d finally like to thank the following organizations for hosting the event: the Durham-Chapel Hill and Raleigh District Dietetic Associations, Slow Food Triangle, and Meredith College Master of Science in Nutrition Program.