Support Inter-Faith Food Shuttle at the Raleigh City Council Meeting tonight!

The Raleigh City Council has faithfully supported Inter-Faith Food Shuttle for years. Because of the turbulent economic times, the Council decided to lower its support of IFFS from $100,000 to approximately $22,500. We desperately need this funding to support Raleigh agencies who work day in and day out to feed our hungry neighbors. Without the funding, our services to the City of Raleigh will significantly decrease.

Come out to the meeting tonight at 7pm.

Stand to support Inter-Faith Food Shuttle.

Email the Council members to restore our funding to $100,000.

Because hunger is unacceptable.

Watch the video below for a special appeal from IFFS Co-Founder and Executive Director, Jill Staton Bullard and Outreach Coordinator, Elizabeth Rodgers.