Librarians, Outstanding in the Field

Lindsay, IFFS Local Produce Coordinator here. Last Friday our Field Gleaning was powered by librarians from NCSU. Their group leader Adam warned me not to work the “tender handed office workers” too hard, but once they arrived they pushed themselves with no prodding on my part. Burch Brothers Farm invited us to glean the lowermost leaves of a field of collard plants—tender, succulent leaves that would have yellowed and degraded as the plants reached maturity. Genya O’Gara told me she was delighted to be out from behind the computer, in the fresh air and using her body in a different way than usual. That seemed to be the consensus.

NCSU gleaning collards 2

Working away! photo by Charlie Morris

With 23 people, we managed to fill our box truck almost to the ceiling with bags of collard leaves. Instead of becoming field waste, all those collards went to good use feeding and nourishing those in need. We distributed most of them at our three free Mobile Farmer's Markets that evening and the following day, and the folks there loved the super fresh greens!

Hard at work! photo by Charlie Morris

Like many progressive companies and organizations, NCSU Libraries offers its staff community service days, in which they can use a paid work day to serve their community. Does your employer offer community service days? Find out, and bring your office mates to volunteer at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. It’s a wonderful way to get to know your coworkers better!

The group! - photo by Charlie Morris