It's a Green Winter on the Teaching Farm!

While everyone else is slowing down for the Winter, the IFFS Teaching Farm is  increasing  production of winter greens like: cabbage, collards, kale, pak choi, spinach, lettuce, and arugula, as well as garlic, onions, carrots, and beets. A lot of the produce is going into our 25-person Winter CSA each week! How are we growing such a bounty through this cold weather and heavy frost? We use row covers known as "frost fabric" that help insulate our veggies!

In addition we are up to 75 pasture-raised chickens and 75 more chicks moving outside next week. We're looking forward to lots of delicious pasture-raised eggs come Spring!

Our new chicks are growing quickly:


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Farm Volunteer of the Year: Mai McLean

Meet Mai McLean. Mai has been a faithful supporter of everything the farm has been doing this year. Through helping us purchase a new lawnmower, countless tool donations, and her consistent hours of hard work every Saturday morning Mai has helped make our vision of being a model teaching farm a reality.

We have many reliable volunteers who help us everyday on the farm: opening, closing, and everything in between. Without their help we would not be able to serve as many people as we do or grow the quality produce that distinguishes us as a model teaching farm in our community.

Thank you Mai for your service and generosity!

Mark your Calendars for December and January

  • December 24-January 1st Farm Closed to Volunteers for Holidays
  • Saturday January 4th: Farm Work Day 8-12, Farm Tour for volunteers
  • Saturday January 18th: Farm Work Day 8-12, Farm Tour for volunteers

In addition to the upcoming Farm Work Days we welcome volunteers Tues thru Friday from 9-3. Come out and be a part of the process! We can always use more hands during the week. Volunteering is a great way to learn about local food and how it can help end hunger in our community. Please contact to come out and get your hands dirty.

Crew Call! Holiday Help Needed!

We depend on volunteers and donations to keep the farm running. Click here for our list of our most pressing volunteer needs for this month.