A Message From Our CEO

Dear Friends,

As our evening activities, travel, and connecting face-to-face with our neighbors are happening again more frequently, it is exciting to see that we are slowly settling into what is now a new normal. However, for thousands of our neighbors, that new normal is a much more challenging reality. Due to inflation, and the rise in the cost of food and fuel, for many families, recovery simply means -- surviving. Because we anticipate heightened food insecurity to continue for the foreseeable future, your ongoing support helps provide expanded food assistance programs to families impacted by the crisis.

Just like you, the pandemic gave us the opportunity to grow. At the Food Shuttle, we made the conscious decision to stay in the moment so that no one would go without food. Staying in the moment gave us the courage to evolve and be flexible to meet the ever-changing needs that arose.

Staying in the moment gave us the fortuity to be creative and we uncovered new ways of connecting our neighbors to the resources they needed most. This experience inspired us to be smarter, think deeper, and to respond quickly. It was not about how much we were doing, but more about the impact it had on the families that needed us most.

Together, we have overcome one of the greatest challenges to ever hit our city, our state, and our nation. And we are so much better for it. Our partnerships with you are stronger and our relationships are so much deeper. For that, I want to simply say 'thank you'. Let's continue to grow forward together!

Yours in service,

L. Ron Pringle

President & CEO