Food Shuttle Addresses Summer Hunger for Children

For most children, the summer break from school represents long days spent playing outside with friends or on vacation with family. However, summer break may also be a time of stress and struggle for our neighbors who are at risk of hunger. Schools offer free and reduced-price breakfasts and lunches, and many children depend on these programs as their only source of nutritious food. Families can no longer count on these valuable resources during the summer months when school is not in session. One in five children in North Carolina are at risk of hunger, but all children deserve to enjoy their summer break without losing access to nutritious food.

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle is addressing the problem of summer hunger for children in a number of ways. We are working with community partners to launch a summer distribution of Backpack Buddies. Through this program, we are able to reach children who live in areas where summer feeding programs are not readily available. The Spinning Plate food truck is serving meals to children throughout the region in partnership with several community centers, summer youth programs, and educational pop-ups. Horizon Catering, Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s catering service, has partnered with the NC Department of Public Instruction to provide healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to children attending local summer camps. All of these partnerships work to combat the problem of summer hunger in our community and ensure that all children can enjoy a healthy, happy summer break.                                                     

None of these programs would be possible without your support of the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our neighbors and helps fight hunger throughout the year. Your gifts FEED, TEACH, GROW, and CULTIVATE a hunger-free community. To donate today, please visit