Searstone / Lutheran Services Carolinas' Crucial Support for Senior Food Security

Our senior neighbors facing food insecurity are receiving essential nutrition, thanks to the generous support from Searstone / Lutheran Services Carolinas. This funding arrives at a pivotal moment as our Grocery Bags for Seniors (GBS) program contends with unprecedented food inflation and a rapidly expanding population.

Since its establishment in 1994, Grocery Bags for Seniors has been a cornerstone of hope for older adults in our community, ensuring they receive vital nutrition through monthly deliveries of fresh and shelf-stable foods tailored to their dietary needs. According to Feeding America, food-insecure seniors are 74% more likely to be diabetic and 64% more likely to have had a heart attack (State of Senior Hunger, 2021).

The commitment shown by Searstone / Lutheran Services Carolinas to support Grocery Bags for Seniors is a testament to their dedication to improving the lives of seniors in need. Their contribution will enable us not only to sustain but also expand our reach into additional counties, ensuring that more seniors have access to the nutritious foods they require to thrive.

On behalf of Inter-Faith Food Shuttle and the seniors we serve, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Searstone / Lutheran Services Carolinas. Your generosity makes a difference in our community, providing essential support during challenging times. Together, we are forging a path towards a healthier, more nourished future for all.