Hunger Action Month Starts this Sunday

September 1 marks the first day of Hunger Action Month, Feeding America’s annual hunger awareness campaign to engage us all in the movement to end hunger. Every year, food banks across the country, other organizations focused on human services, and civic-minded groups and individuals come together, stepping up, lending a hand, and lifting voices to help ease hunger and raise awareness with the simple message that hunger is not acceptable in a nation as affluent as ours.

We hope that you will join us in bringing attention to the high rates of food insecurity that still persist in our communities and state, as demonstrated by the most recent Map the Meal Gap stats from Feeding America. And we hope that you will join us in marking the month by volunteering, donating, and asking your elected representatives to keep hunger at the top of their list of priorities.

We know that when people are fed, futures are nourished and individuals and families can go from surviving to thriving. There is no more important work than making sure we all have enough to eat each day.

Check out Feeding America’s videos about Hunger Action Month. Share them on our social media pages!

Hunger Action Month: Mike & Sean :30 - YouTube

Hunger Action Month: Alice :30 (

Hunger Action Month: Vero :30 (

Hunger Action Month: Vero :15 (

Look for specific opportunities to participate with the Food Shuttle as the month progresses, and please note that September 10 is Hunger Action Day, so make your plans now.

Food security for all is the first step in creating stability and equity, so that all of our neighbors are nourished, healthy, and empowered to build full and financially secure lives.

Let’s end hunger together!