Celebrating Our Volunteers: The Heart of Inter-Faith Food Shuttle

Celebrating Our Volunteers: The Heart of Inter-Faith Food Shuttle

At Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, we believe in more than just feeding our neighbors. We strive to teach self-sufficiency, grow healthy foods, and cultivate innovative approaches to end hunger in our communities. None of this would be possible without the dedication and passion of our incredible volunteers. Today, we want to express our deepest gratitude to each and every volunteer who has lent a helping hand, a smile, and valuable time to our mission.

Draft Farm Bill Proposes Cuts to Benefits Adjustments for Snap

Draft Farm Bill Proposes Cuts to Benefits Adjustments for Snap

The draft Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 (House Farm Bill) released on Friday by House Agriculture Committee Chair G.T. Thompson (R-PA) would slash future benefit adjustments for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by nearly $30 billion over the next decade. These cuts would drastically reduce vital food assistance for millions of Americans, including many in our local community who rely on SNAP to put food on the table.

[PRESS RELEASE] Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap: Hunger on the Rise in North Carolina 

[PRESS RELEASE] Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap: Hunger on the Rise in North Carolina 

Every year, Feeding America estimates the annual food budget shortfall carried by people facing food insecurity – the gap between the money people facing hunger need to buy enough food and what they have. The Map the Meal Gap study shows a sharp rise in that budget shortfall in North Carolina, from $725 million in 2019 to over a billion in 2022: that 2022 figure is $1,099,431,000.

Growing Goodness: Join Our Fight Against Hunger in North Carolina 

Growing Goodness: Join Our Fight Against Hunger in North Carolina 

In 1989, Jill Staton Bullard and Maxine Solomon, launched their mission to combat hunger in North Carolina. They began rescuing surplus food and distributing it to those in need and Inter-Faith Food Shuttle was born. Decades later, their legacy continues to Grow Goodness as we reach thousands of individuals with vital nourishment every week. We are also tackling the root causes of food insecurity through innovative programs that empower people to build stable and secure lives, and by advocating for policies that eliminate systemic barriers.