IFFS in the News

Did you see the article in the News and Observer yesterday covering IFFS Operation Frontline healthy cooking classes? Operation Frontline  teaches low income kids, teens, adults and families how to cook healthy food on a budget through 6 week programs.

Want to help?

We are always looking for volunteers in these areas:

  • Nutrition educators
  • Chefs
  • Culinary instructors
  • Class managers and assistants
  • Fundraising and event planners
  • Spanish translators
  • Gardeners

E-mail Katherine Andrew at nutrition@foodshuttle.org for more information on how to help with Operation Frontline!

Garden Tip of the Week!

Here’s our weekly garden tip from our friends at Logan Trading Co. It’s hot! And dry! This time of year it’s all about the water and making sure your plants are receiving adequate and consistent moisture. If Mother Nature isn’t providing it, then you must.  If you’re watering by hand, be sure to get your hose up under the plant so that you’re watering the soil and not the leaves.  Signs of inconsistent watering may include yellowing leaves, bud drop and wilting -- wilting plants can be either too dry or too wet, so check before automatically watering.

Make sure your plants are mulched well, too, which will help reduce evaporation.  Decomposed leaf mulch, often available from the city, makes a great mulch for your vegetables as well as your ornamental plants.