Veterans Day

Mr Warren

The Food Shuttle operates on Veterans Day because thousands of people in the Triangle rely on us each day for nutritous, wholesome food. But we do want to take time here and say thanks to all Veterans for their service. And we want you to meet a Veteran who is very special to us. Mr Warren Shaw is one of the core volunteers who make the Food Shuttle run. Just like you can count on the sun rising in the East, you can count on  Mr Warren driving his Food Recovery and Distribution route three times a week. Mr Warren served in the US Navy, went on to succesful professional career and is now a member of the  Food Shuttle family.

Mr Warren participated in the Veterans Day parade in downtown Raleigh last Saturday. Here's a picture (although it took a little doing to get a Navy Man to ride in a Marine Jeep!)

And here's Mr Warren talking about the Food Shuttle and his time in the service.